Lecture on posession in Adamorobe sign language during workshops – 1 march 2019

Workshop: March 1st 2019 (in association with Dodzi Kpoglu’s defence)

Theme: Possession: diversity within and across languages

Place: P.N. van Eyckhof 2, room 0.02.

Time: 09.00 – 13.30



09.00   Welcome

09.15   Denis Creissels (Lyon 2)
Atypical alignments between existential, locative and possessive predicative constructions: the case of Akan

09.45   Cédric Patin (Lille)
Possessives in Shingazidja (Bantu G44a)

10.15   Martine Vanhove (LLACAN, CNRS, Paris)
Possession in Beja

10.45   Maarten Mous (LUCL)
The semantics of the Iraqw verb ‘to have’

11.15   Anne Carlier (CNRS, Paris IV)
The French existential predicate “il y a” in a diachronic and comparative perspective: between idiosyncrasy and motivation. 

11.45   Victoria Nyst (LUCL)
Possessive constructions in AdaSL

12.15   Dodzi Kpoglu (LUCL& Lille)
Kinship terms in adnominal possessive constructions: Insights from Tongugbe

12.45   General Discussion

13.00   Finish